Snow Light booklet
Snow light has just been published and is a booklet in which i collaborated with two established poet friends Stuart A Paterson and Ian...

Painting the snow
Painting outside in winter can be very challenging with the cold but well worth the efforts sometimes its just the experience that...

Exhibition at The Lady Chapel Old Glossop Parish church
This is a beautiful contemplative space to view my paintings and to reflect on how the spritual is revealed through the painting process...

Exhibition at Laughing Badger Gallery
All set up and ready to go for the exhibition at The Laughing Badger, the preview is Sinday 6th Sept 1pm-5pm, all welcome

An Indian Audience
It was really interesting to see the response to my paintings from an India audience, most people found them really engaging and were...

Aurodhan artist in residence - Pondicherry
Lovely time was had on the residency, it was a great place to work, very peaceful . Also on the residency was Aninda Roy an artist from...